We have launched an app on the chrome web store

We are very excited to share that we have recently released a new Google Extension that allows users to log in and see their upcoming work sessions right in their browser. With this extension, users can easily keep track of their work shifts and see what awaits them in the future, whether they are at work or on the go. The extension is easy to use and gives users access to all the information they need, so they can plan their days and weeks in an easier way. One of the great benefits of this extension is that it allows users to see their shifts in real-time, so they can always stay updated and prepared. The extension is also synchronized with users scheduling, so they always have access to the latest information. We hope that this extension will facilitate users and make their everyday life a little easier. If you are interested in trying out this extension, you can download it from the Google Chrome Store. We hope you will like it!

Estimated calculation of losses due to bad schedules.

The form calculates a company's annual loss due to poor schedules based on the number of employees, average salary, number of turnover losses, and decrease in revenue.

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